Healing and Peace Starts With Us

So there's lots of chaos in the world...It's is about us. ALL OF US. Humanity is standing in front of a mirror, and we don’t like what we see. This reflection we are staring into is everything and everyone (you and me). Every fear, hope, and would. Unless you or I are Dracula, we all have a reflection. 

It’s easy to point fingers and say 'they' are the problem. But the world’s turmoil isn’t just about them, it's about all of us. I know it's not an easy pill to swallow.  I sure had a difficult time with it for a while.  To accept that every war, every act of cruelty, and division is just a reflection of what we have to face within ourselves? Kind of like going through a video game, little by little defeating the tiny bosses, until we get to the big one. 


When we introspect, the anger and destruction are so so very exhausting because we, as a collective, allow it to be, but the introspection and that sickening 'off' feeling is what wakes us up.  The world doesn’t break on its own. It breaks because we are broken. And it heals when we do. But first we have to realize we all have to heal. To be honest I still have to take a long hard look in the mirror and remind myself, and often! 

Reflections change when we change. The world won’t heal because we demand others to be better, it will when we become better. When we face our own darkness, when we heal our own wounds, when we learn to hold love instead of fear, that energy doesn’t just stay within us, it spreads outward. Do what you need to in order to stay in a good mindset.  Turn off the TV, log off social media...


Cause if we wanna change what’s out there, we have to start by refusing to be manipulated by fear. Fear-mongering, clickbait, and the endless hamster wheel of outrage. These things are designed to divide us and make us forget our shared humanity. They (and they covers a lot people) tell us that entire groups of people are the enemy. They tell us to hate, blame, and close our hearts. But we must be wiser than that and discern:

1.  What is true.

2. What is real.

3. And know what is meant to keep us locked up in imaginary chains.


Energy moves outward, like ripples in water.  Maybe you only help two people, but if each of them helps two more, and those two help two more… before long, a movement has begun, so don't think of your small part as nothing.  Your small part could start a revolution of love. No one needs force and division, but just a quiet, unstoppable shift in the way we exist. Banishing fear, working on ourselves, and projecting a pure love outwards.  It's honestly that easy!  They have manipulated us into thinking we have to shout at each other and hate.  We don't. 


The world IS a reflection of us, so let’s give it something new to reflect. No more pain.  We're gonna banish the pain.  And we are gonna realize the chaos is there  only if we opt in to play the game. Instead, let's give a dose of healing, love, and serenity.  And when we do, when enough of us choose to fix what’s inside instead of cursing what’s outside… the world will have no choice but to follow.

Spiritual Psychosis

 I'm on several Reddit threads about spirituality, and one thing I keep seeing over and over is people getting psychosis from their awakening or spiritual practices.  If you are new to your journey then listen up...You might not like what I have to say, but it's important.  Spirituality should NOT occupy most of your time.  

 Another important bit of advice is that you should not partake in drugs to enhance your journey, especially if you have suffered from past or current mental illness, have unresolved trauma,  or neurodivergence.  These things really enhance the effects.  One thing these "gurus" will never tell you is about the amount of people that develop psychosis, and even commit suicide some time after these experiences.  


  We are SO busy looking for answers, at times we don't see what is right in front of us.  We have everything we need inside of us, and if we don't already have a good circle of people, then there is one waiting for us closeby.  Silly little simple things in life do matter.  Laughing over dinner with friends, going on a family swim, picnicing with the neighbors.  It doesn't need to be so deep or convoluted.  Sometimes we are even convinced that we need to leave behind those who don't have our enlightened practices, but my friends, that is a religion...A cult even.  



Sure spiritual practices are important, but they are only here to give us a little push along the way, not something to dominate our existence.  So if you are feeling overwhelmed on your journey, maybe just step back and simplify.  


Autumn is Almost Here!

It's been a very stressful week, and I needed some much needed release via art and the outdoors. I learned a big lesson last week about chatbots, my autumn allergies flared up, and I underwent anesthesia. Once Friday evening hit, I brought out the pens and rulers and got to work. Sadly I don't have any photos before I started adding color, because it was only meant to be a doodle to smooth out my frayed nerves. However, I ended up liking it after I added the colors of the October leaves.  As of now, I've been using a watercolor paper I really like, but it doesn't go too well with the pencils, leaving some patchy marks.  I found a nice quality paper specifically for pencils, and while the pencils glide nicely, I don't enjoy drawing on it.  I need to find a happy medium for the quality of the drawing and my enjoyment of creating the piece. 

Despite the sniffles and sneezes, I love that Autumn is inbound and I can take walks in the cool weather while experiencing all of the beautiful colors via the leaves and the sky!  I felt so fortunate to have recently caught this sunset.  

The harvests are mostly over, except for some corn crops lingering randomly in some nearby fields.  It seems a lot of them were planted as fillers, once the regular crops were already planted.  Before we know it there will be icy fractals splayed across the landscape in the mornings!  

As far as my anesthesia last week?  I really get worked up over doctors and hospitals.  I was about as tense as it gets, but I do have some humor to share.  As I woke up from being under, I felt almost as if I had jumped back into my body.  I do think people leave their bodies while being under surgical procedures, so this isn't super strange to me.  However, I immediately felt as if I had woken up mid-procedure, so I started shouting to the anesthesiologist, "I'm awake and the doctor isn't finished!  I'm AWAKE!"  Her and the other doctor had a discreet chuckle and came over to tell me I had been done for a while and it was normal that I was awake.  I felt so embarrassed, but then wondered about all of the entertaining things they must encounter in the OR.  

I rested for two days and then got back out into my favorite place...Nature!!  Then, mid-walk, I learned that chatbots have a very specific way of writing and it's pretty easy to spot, once you know.  Soooo....I didn't know and hired someone to do some editing work for me.  I felt cheated, but also lacking in proof, felt I had to keep my mouth closed.  Ai has a time and a place, and I'm not against it.  If you read my last blog post, you willl see that.  However, it has a time and a place and isn't meant to replace the human touch, where the human touch is possible.  I'm getting very familiar with this form of bot now. I knew bots have really started to dominate social media, but that's another thing.  Bots, bots, so many types of bots.  It's really too much to wrap one's head around and keep up with. 

 The important thing...All is ok now!  I hope you all find yourselves well. 

Alternative Methods for Making Art - Part 2

Today's method of making alternative art is a hot topic as of late.  People get all up in arms over Ai, and while there does need to be some regulations set in place about stealing art from artists - it's here to stay and it can be a wonderful tool for people who don't have full mobility, nerve disorders, or don't have use of their arms.  If this is how you are able to create your art, then there is NO shame.  

Try to find the most ethical ai drawing program you can, though I really can't say which ones that is.  I haven't heard too much chatter about Hotpot.ai, and that is what I have chosen for these art prompts.


There are endless groups online that host ai prompt challenges and give advice on how to better create images.  However, prompting sometimes doesn't go our way and we end up with something bizarre like the example below.  See if you can find the faults:


Here's a great tutorial on correcting common mistakes. There are a few other options as well.  You could also do corrections in a graphic illustration program or photo editing software, and if you do have some use of your arms,  you could paint or draw over the mistakes. A lot of ai programs also offer correctional tools built into the apps. I have found seven mistakes in this image so far.  Who knows, you might find more!  

I don't have a lot more to say on this subject.  A simple web search will turn up so many rescources and information, and you can become a pro in no time. 

There Can be Miracles...You Know the Rest

 Have you ever witnessed a miracle in your life? I have—several, in fact. But today, I want to share one in particular:



When I was younger, a classmate of mine had a tragic accident and fell into a coma. As if that wasn't enough, she developed a severe infection while unconscious. One day, our teacher paused class to speak with us about her condition. I'll never forget her words: "The doctors have given her less than a one-percent chance to live." She then allowed us some time to comfort one another and ask questions.



I didn't move. I didn't cry. I didn't even feel sad. Why? Because somehow, deep down, I knew she would survive. And I wasn't alone. Kids have a remarkable way of holding on to hope. We all talked about how she couldn't—or wouldn't—die. I felt an unwavering certainty that she would recover and go on to live a healthy life, and many others shared that belief.  The doctors did an excellent job, but they lost hope.  We have to believe at one point that there is more.  Yes modern medicine can be wonderful, but again...there is more. 



Not only did she survive, but within a year, she became a track star. Nothing could hold her back. She was full of life and smiles.  I was lucky enough to see this with my own eyes.  Someone I knew defying the odds.  


Fast forward thirty years... Have miracles ceased? It feels like the world has stopped believing, and perhaps, so have I. Adulthood has a way of stripping away some of our sense of wonder, but it’s more than that—the world itself has changed.



Recently, I read a book written in the late 1800's. The author warned of a future where materialism would dominate, and we would lose faith in the unseen wonders of life. When disasters strike today, you might see people on social media offering prayers or healing energy, only to be met with cynicism and dismissive remarks, claiming it does nothing. But it does. We are beings of energy, and our intentions certainly matter.  Sadly I think these people who offer up their prayers hide in the recesses and eventually cease.  Words hurt, even if we tell ourselves that they don't.  Another topic for anther day, but half of the comments on social media are bots left from bot farms, shaping society. 


We must continue creating miracles with our energy, our prayers, our thoughts, and our meditation. We need to keep manifesting miracles by spreading love, no matter how much hate surrounds us. Remember, your thoughts matter. Your energy matters. Your prayers matter. And above all, your LOVE matters. Don’t let anyone take that away from you or replace it with a false creation—a fabricated god, egregore, or thoughtform. There is only one true source for everything, and that source is divine love.



If you'd like to know the science of our intentions, then look up the work of Masaru Emoto.  He was a Japanese scientist that did experiments with water crystals.  He would say hateful and loving words to a glass of water and then flash freeze it, and afterwards study the frozen water crystals.  The water that was spoken to kindly froze with beautiful gemetric crystals, while the hateful water had fragmented crystals.  I don't know about you, but I find that pretty convincing that our intentions do have an affect not only on ourselves, but our surroundings.  


Alternative Methods for Making Art - Part 1

Whether it's a budget issue, or you are other-abled, there are many alternatives to making your beautiful artistic creations!  Today I am going to talk about the digital method.  At this stage in time, most of us have a tablet or phone.  Depending on which you have there are many affordable or even free apps that will allow you to create your art!  I'm not going to walk you through these programs as they are not my favorite method, but I do occasionally create on Procreate (iPad / iPhone).  Don't worry there are so many other options like MS Paint, Sketchbook, Krita, Painter, Adobe Fresco, My Paint...Just do a quick search.  The great thing is you can draw with your finger, or you can purchase a stylus or Apple Pencil.  
These programs are also great if you have a shaky hand, you can automatically correct your shapes to make them uniform!  It's also fun to find different color combos via hex codes.  I love Procreate because it's affordable and very professional.  So many people make a career of creating art on this program!  I don't know the current cost, but I only paid $9.99 when I purchased it, and it came with a wide array of brushes.  Another great thing is that you can purchase additional brushes created by other artists and extend your options.  I just use the basic brushes, because I'm not too invested in creating digital artwork for a living.

Another great reason you might want to create digitally, is because you have all of your artwork in one place and not taking up space in your home.  If you ever fancy selling it or having a piece for yourself you can just print it out at home or have it professionally printed.  



You can also create fun repeat patterns on these programs and then make custom wrapping paper, wall paper, or fabrics.  There are plenty of sites where you can upload your designs and then preview them.  You can even leave them for others to purchase and make a little money on the side.  

This is part one of this series, but stay tuned as I will be introducing other methods for you to create art if you have any limitations that prevent you using paints and other physical  materials.  Heck, some of you might not want the mess.  I pesonally LOVE making a mess on my art table.  I'm usually covered in paint by the end of the day, and sometimes I'll miss spots, so my husband gets a good laugh when get gets home from work.  



Your Awakening Art Journaling Course

 Hello friends!  As of yesterday I finished the outline of the course: Your Awakening Art Journaling Course.  



This is an introductory course into the awakening process, where I guide you along the way using art as a medium.  I really want to offer my courses at fair prices and still give you quality material.  I know they say to charge what you are worth, but the world is in a tense state and we need more and more people being guided through the woods of this process so they can share their light with others.  I have decided to put this course on Udemy, and the others to come on my website.  At least that is the tentative plan.  I don't have an exact date of when it will be ready, but hopeing in Autumn or early winter.  



You don't have to be an artist to take this course or buy fancy art supplies.  You can even use your kids crayons and markers and an old notebook.  I will show you many ways to create a journal.  If you do want to get fancy schmancy, I can also recommend my favorite art supplies and journals.  If you fancy making your own, I will have a video up on how to do that as well.  



 If you want to travel deeper into your awakening and healing journey, I will be offering many other courses in the future!  I want to hit on a lot of the main points of negativity in the world right now and guide you artfully into self-discovery up the mountain.  



I'm even going to teach you how to infuse your artwork with energy in the mandala making course.  Wooooo hoooo!!! I'm so excited over this.  We will be making a Book of Shadows....Or rather, A Book of MY Shadows.  This will be a journey into the integration of your shadow.  No cutting if off like Peter Pan.  I also want to help you venture deeper into your Dark Night of the Soul during your awakening, so if that section of the Awakening course is not enough, you can also work your way through this gem.  That is the most difficult part of the journey.  



I also want to guide  you on making your own personal grimoire of happiness, and if you so fancy you can keep this in the family to pass on to future generations, and even leave some blank pages for the next ones to fill in!



 Lastly, I'm hoping to eventually fit in other courses on Balance, Burnout, Self-Love, and Detoxing from your electronics and social media.  My next step it complete an example journal for the Awakening Course and write out the course material more thoroughly.  Can't wait to see you in my virtual classroom!

 *If you are other-abled and have a difficulty with drawing / painting, then I will give you some alternatives to create art to put in your journals.  Technology has its time and place, and this is definitely one of those times where it comes in handy and is a wonderful tool to let the imagination express itself.*

The Comparison Cure

On the last post I promised to tell you about the pitfalls of my awakening, but I've decided to slip this post in first.  There is so much comparison and 'woe is me' going on and I have the perfect cure!  Lucy Sheridan has written one of the world's best books on comparison.  She is the only comparison coach out there, and for those of you that can't afford to pay for coaching, no worries!  You can purchase this book for a small sum.  

If you are always comparing your situation to others, and asking yourself why you don't have what they have...Honey that's a big red flag on your part.  As the teacher used to say in class, "Worry about yourself!"  We will never raise our vibe or do better for ourselves if that is our focus.  I'm gonna put a little checklist below and if any of these sound like you, then get this book!

  • Why does she get to go on vacation three times a year?  I can't even afford one. 
  • He's so lucky to have a nice car.  He has no idea how lucky he is.  
  • I want to start doing (insert thing here) in my life, but I don't feel I can or that I deserve it.  
  • I feel like an imposter doing (insert thing here). 
  • Why did Helen make 100k last year doing the same thing I did, and I only made 10k?  
  • I wish I could do (insert thing here).  
  • I love (insert thing here), but that's just a pipe dream.  It's certainly not meant for me.  

It's no lie that some have an easier time getting started due to their karmic situation, but honey you aren't going anywhere as long as you are looking at them and feeling sorry for yourself.  Trust me, if you feel drawn to doing something, your spirit is calling you to do that thing, and a path will open up if you just make up your mind to walk on it.  It won't always be easy.  Nothing is easy.  So if it's a handout you want, just keep your hand out, but I doubt anyone will put anything great in it.  We sculpt our soul into something brilliant with the work!   



Joy comes from within.  We are all unique, and we have to embrace our own and learn to love ourselves.  

Uncertainty in Awakening

Ah, it has begun. You are experiencing your awakening, and with all those beautiful influencers, it may seem like a breeze. You'll practice yoga, meditate, and everything will fall into place effortlessly.



However, the reality of an awakening is often quite different. Many people become discouraged and end up on a more challenging path. Let me help you stay on course and get back on track. It's not that you can't be fit, practice yoga, and find happiness—it's just that you need to navigate through many obstacles and endure a dark night of the soul before reaching your destination.



I recall growing up and eagerly anticipating our annual family vacation. Being a water sign, the beach, with its vast ocean and a hotel with a large swimming pool, was a dream come true. But to get there, we had to endure an 8.5-hour drive, which wasn't always pleasant. While some parts of the journey were scenic, much of it was flat and monotonous. We also drove through towns cluttered with garbage and dilapidated buildings. These areas felt desolate and depressing, often causing us to get lost and making the trip feel endless. I wondered why the council didn't clean up these abandoned places. It felt disheartening, and I would almost lose sight of our destination, overwhelmed by these bleak towns. Adding to the discomfort, my parents often argued, and my father became irritable whenever I needed a pee break.

Eventually, the signs of our destination began to appear—75 miles to buy the world's best surfboards! 50 miles to get live hermit crabs (poor creatures). 30 miles to the town's best seafood. 10 miles to the boardwalk! My parents would lighten up, and so would I. We knew we were close, and happiness was within reach. No more depressing abandoned towns, no more arguments, no more bathroom breaks. Then, the glorious horizon would appear—I could see the ocean! Without waiting for my parents to unpack, I would run to the back of the hotel, kick off my shoes, and march through the scorching hot sand. I had arrived. The long drive, the sad towns, my parents' bickering—all of it faded away as I became fully present in that moment.

This serves as a powerful metaphor for enduring the hardships of a dark night of the soul. We must keep moving forward, navigating through challenges to reach the vast and beautiful ocean of our awakening.


For some, years of enjoyment await at the destination; for others, less time may be available. It depends on when we awaken and our individual karmic situations. What truly matters is being present and living in the moment. Remember, you are eternal, while this physical form is not. You are a soul inhabiting a body, not merely a body with a soul. Never forget that.

Your awakening may start beautifully and with great excitement, filled with anticipation for the destination. Yet, remember, it is a long journey, and you will encounter rough patches filled with fear, hate, resentment, and doubt. Do not linger in these places. It is easy to be deceived, and negative influences (figuratively speaking) can make it seem almost necessary to stop. Stay on your path and fight. Do the work and do not be misled by illusions. Your heart and soul will guide you, and love is always the answer.

Soon, I will share how I got sidetracked during my journey, setting up camp in the rough parts. It took a lot to dismantle the illusions and pull myself out, and I am still a work in progress. I will gladly share my pitfalls with you so you can arm yourself with love and awareness. Be well, my friends!

Be True to You

 Ask yourself two very important questions:

What brings me joy?

What brings me misery? 

Don’t idealize your answers or respond based on others’ expectations. Be honest with yourself. Now that you have your answers...pursue what brings you joy and abandon what brings you misery.

Lately, social media has been a source of misery for me. Everyone says I’ll never succeed without it. We'll see. I hope to prove them wrong. I love blogging and posting photos without the constant pressure of posting stories every hour, making daily posts, leaving ten comments, following three new people, and then unfollowing three to keep the algorithm happy. And, of course, there’s the endless cycle of watching people argue and judge each other. Now, I am in my peace canoe, floating down the river of calm.

Maybe I spoke too soon, though, because I do enjoy Pinterest and YouTube. Watching videos and browsing colorful photos...Ahhh! I also don’t feel pressured to churn out content for these platforms every ten minutes. In fact, I haven’t even posted a single video on YouTube yet!

Art Studio Luna and Flor Healing Room Reiki Energy Healing Magnetism

This is the space where all my creative and healing magic happens—from art to reiki to podcasting. I love it and have decorated it to suit my taste, hoping it will also bring joy and calm to those who visit for healing and art.


Art Mandala Drawing Illustration

When I need to find tranquility, I draw. I spend upwards of 20 hours on these mandalas and cherish every moment. Drawing is therapeutic. Years ago, I would rush through my mandalas and end up disliking them. It’s crucial to draw the grid first and take your time. Many online videos are sped up, making it seem like people are creating these in an hour. It’s actually a slow, meditative process.


Afterwards is the ink bit.  There are so many pens I love, so it's difficult to name one.  Once I get my art therapy videos up I will talk a lot more about supplies that I love, but you might find other things you like more when drawing or painting.  That's ok!  We all have our style and tastes.  It's the point of art.  You need to find what works for you and what lets you voice onto paper or canvas.  


Then comes the inking. There are so many pens I love that it’s hard to name just one. Once I start my art therapy videos, I will discuss my favorite supplies, but you might find different tools you prefer when drawing or painting. That’s perfectly okay! We all have our unique styles and tastes. That’s the essence of art—finding what works for you and expressing yourself on paper or canvas.


There are many mediums to choose from, ranging from ink to paint to pastels. I used ink, watercolor, and colored pencil for this piece. It was a truly relaxing few days, accompanied by lovely music and podcasts, with my cats relaxing beside me.

Every time I add another color to my pieces, it gives me a huge dopamine boost. Color is life. So, once again, let go of the things that make you miserable and pursue what brings you joy.