So there's lots of chaos in the world...It's is about us. ALL OF US. Humanity is standing in front of a mirror, and we don’t like what we see. This reflection we are staring into is everything and everyone (you and me). Every fear, hope, and would. Unless you or I are Dracula, we all have a reflection.
It’s easy to point fingers and say 'they' are the problem. But the world’s turmoil isn’t just about them, it's about all of us. I know it's not an easy pill to swallow. I sure had a difficult time with it for a while. To accept that every war, every act of cruelty, and division is just a reflection of what we have to face within ourselves? Kind of like going through a video game, little by little defeating the tiny bosses, until we get to the big one.
When we introspect, the anger and destruction are so so very exhausting because we, as a collective, allow it to be, but the introspection and that sickening 'off' feeling is what wakes us up. The world doesn’t break on its own. It breaks because we are broken. And it heals when we do. But first we have to realize we all have to heal. To be honest I still have to take a long hard look in the mirror and remind myself, and often!
Reflections change when we change. The world won’t heal because we demand others to be better, it will when we become better. When we face our own darkness, when we heal our own wounds, when we learn to hold love instead of fear, that energy doesn’t just stay within us, it spreads outward. Do what you need to in order to stay in a good mindset. Turn off the TV, log off social media...
Cause if we wanna change what’s out there, we have to start by refusing to be manipulated by fear. Fear-mongering, clickbait, and the endless hamster wheel of outrage. These things are designed to divide us and make us forget our shared humanity. They (and they covers a lot people) tell us that entire groups of people are the enemy. They tell us to hate, blame, and close our hearts. But we must be wiser than that and discern:
1. What is true.
2. What is real.
3. And know what is meant to keep us locked up in imaginary chains.
Energy moves outward, like ripples in water. Maybe you only help two people, but if each of them helps two more, and those two help two more… before long, a movement has begun, so don't think of your small part as nothing. Your small part could start a revolution of love. No one needs force and division, but just a quiet, unstoppable shift in the way we exist. Banishing fear, working on ourselves, and projecting a pure love outwards. It's honestly that easy! They have manipulated us into thinking we have to shout at each other and hate. We don't.
The world IS a reflection of us, so let’s give it something new to reflect. No more pain. We're gonna banish the pain. And we are gonna realize the chaos is there only if we opt in to play the game. Instead, let's give a dose of healing, love, and serenity. And when we do, when enough of us choose to fix what’s inside instead of cursing what’s outside… the world will have no choice but to follow.