I'm on several Reddit threads about spirituality, and one thing I keep seeing over and over is people getting psychosis from their awakening or spiritual practices. If you are new to your journey then listen up...You might not like what I have to say, but it's important. Spirituality should NOT occupy most of your time.
Another important bit of advice is that you should not partake in drugs to enhance your journey, especially if you have suffered from past or current mental illness, have unresolved trauma, or neurodivergence. These things really enhance the effects. One thing these "gurus" will never tell you is about the amount of people that develop psychosis, and even commit suicide some time after these experiences.
We are SO busy looking for answers, at times we don't see what is right in front of us. We have everything we need inside of us, and if we don't already have a good circle of people, then there is one waiting for us closeby. Silly little simple things in life do matter. Laughing over dinner with friends, going on a family swim, picnicing with the neighbors. It doesn't need to be so deep or convoluted. Sometimes we are even convinced that we need to leave behind those who don't have our enlightened practices, but my friends, that is a religion...A cult even.
Sure spiritual practices are important, but they are only here to give us a little push along the way, not something to dominate our existence. So if you are feeling overwhelmed on your journey, maybe just step back and simplify.
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